Weights & Biases 跟踪
本笔记本介绍如何将您的 LangChain 实验跟踪到一个集中的 Weights and Biases
在W&B 文章中查看详细描述和示例。
注意: WandbCallbackHandler
正在被弃用,转而使用 WandbTracer
。将来请使用 WandbTracer
要了解有关 WandbTracer
的更多信息,请参阅agent_with_wandb_tracing 笔记本或使用以下 colab 笔记本。
要了解有关 Weights & Biases Prompts 的更多信息,请参阅以下提示文档。
%pip install --upgrade --quiet wandb
%pip install --upgrade --quiet pandas
%pip install --upgrade --quiet textstat
%pip install --upgrade --quiet spacy
!python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
import os
os.environ["WANDB_API_KEY"] = ""
# os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = ""
# os.environ["SERPAPI_API_KEY"] = ""
from datetime import datetime
from langchain_community.callbacks import WandbCallbackHandler
from langchain_core.callbacks import StdOutCallbackHandler
from langchain_openai import OpenAI
Callback Handler that logs to Weights and Biases.
job_type (str): The type of job.
project (str): The project to log to.
entity (str): The entity to log to.
tags (list): The tags to log.
group (str): The group to log to.
name (str): The name of the run.
notes (str): The notes to log.
visualize (bool): Whether to visualize the run.
complexity_metrics (bool): Whether to log complexity metrics.
stream_logs (bool): Whether to stream callback actions to W&B
Default values for WandbCallbackHandler(...)
visualize: bool = False,
complexity_metrics: bool = False,
stream_logs: bool = False,
注意:对于 beta 工作流,我们已基于 textstat 进行默认分析,并基于 spacy 进行可视化
"""Main function.
This function is used to try the callback handler.
1. OpenAI LLM
2. Chain with multiple SubChains on multiple generations
3. Agent with Tools
session_group = datetime.now().strftime("%m.%d.%Y_%H.%M.%S")
wandb_callback = WandbCallbackHandler(
callbacks = [StdOutCallbackHandler(), wandb_callback]
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, callbacks=callbacks)
[34m[1mwandb[0m: Currently logged in as: [33mharrison-chase[0m. Use [1m`wandb login --relogin`[0m to force relogin
Tracking run with wandb version 0.14.0
Run data is saved locally in <code>/Users/harrisonchase/workplace/langchain/docs/ecosystem/wandb/run-20230318_150408-e47j1914</code>
Syncing run <strong><a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/e47j1914' target="_blank">llm</a></strong> to <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo' target="_blank">Weights & Biases</a> (<a href='https://wandb.me/run' target="_blank">docs</a>)<br/>
View project at <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo</a>
View run at <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/e47j1914' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/e47j1914</a>
[34m[1mwandb[0m: [33mWARNING[0m The wandb callback is currently in beta and is subject to change based on updates to `langchain`. Please report any issues to https://github.com/wandb/wandb/issues with the tag `langchain`.
# Defaults for WandbCallbackHandler.flush_tracker(...)
reset: bool = True,
finish: bool = False,
函数用于将 LangChain 会话记录到 Weights & Biases。它接收 LangChain 模块或代理,并记录至少提示和生成,以及 LangChain 模块的序列化形式到指定的 Weights & Biases 项目。默认情况下,我们会重置会话,而不是直接结束会话。
使用 LLM
llm_result = llm.generate(["Tell me a joke", "Tell me a poem"] * 3)
wandb_callback.flush_tracker(llm, name="simple_sequential")
Waiting for W&B process to finish... <strong style="color:green">(success).</strong>
View run <strong style="color:#cdcd00">llm</strong> at: <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/e47j1914' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/e47j1914</a><br/>Synced 5 W&B file(s), 2 media file(s), 5 artifact file(s) and 0 other file(s)
Find logs at: <code>./wandb/run-20230318_150408-e47j1914/logs</code>
VBox(children=(Label(value='Waiting for wandb.init()...\r'), FloatProgress(value=0.016745895149999985, max=1.0…
Tracking run with wandb version 0.14.0
Run data is saved locally in <code>/Users/harrisonchase/workplace/langchain/docs/ecosystem/wandb/run-20230318_150534-jyxma7hu</code>
Syncing run <strong><a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/jyxma7hu' target="_blank">simple_sequential</a></strong> to <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo' target="_blank">Weights & Biases</a> (<a href='https://wandb.me/run' target="_blank">docs</a>)<br/>
View project at <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo</a>
View run at <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/jyxma7hu' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/jyxma7hu</a>
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
API 参考:LLMChain | PromptTemplate
# SCENARIO 2 - Chain
template = """You are a playwright. Given the title of play, it is your job to write a synopsis for that title.
Title: {title}
Playwright: This is a synopsis for the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["title"], template=template)
synopsis_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template, callbacks=callbacks)
test_prompts = [
"title": "documentary about good video games that push the boundary of game design"
{"title": "cocaine bear vs heroin wolf"},
{"title": "the best in class mlops tooling"},
wandb_callback.flush_tracker(synopsis_chain, name="agent")
Waiting for W&B process to finish... <strong style="color:green">(success).</strong>
View run <strong style="color:#cdcd00">simple_sequential</strong> at: <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/jyxma7hu' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/jyxma7hu</a><br/>Synced 4 W&B file(s), 2 media file(s), 6 artifact file(s) and 0 other file(s)
Find logs at: <code>./wandb/run-20230318_150534-jyxma7hu/logs</code>
VBox(children=(Label(value='Waiting for wandb.init()...\r'), FloatProgress(value=0.016736786816666675, max=1.0…
Tracking run with wandb version 0.14.0
Run data is saved locally in <code>/Users/harrisonchase/workplace/langchain/docs/ecosystem/wandb/run-20230318_150550-wzy59zjq</code>
Syncing run <strong><a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/wzy59zjq' target="_blank">agent</a></strong> to <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo' target="_blank">Weights & Biases</a> (<a href='https://wandb.me/run' target="_blank">docs</a>)<br/>
View project at <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo</a>
View run at <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/wzy59zjq' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/wzy59zjq</a>
from langchain.agents import AgentType, initialize_agent, load_tools
# SCENARIO 3 - Agent with Tools
tools = load_tools(["serpapi", "llm-math"], llm=llm)
agent = initialize_agent(
"Who is Leo DiCaprio's girlfriend? What is her current age raised to the 0.43 power?",
wandb_callback.flush_tracker(agent, reset=False, finish=True)
[1m> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...[0m
[32;1m[1;3m I need to find out who Leo DiCaprio's girlfriend is and then calculate her age raised to the 0.43 power.
Action: Search
Action Input: "Leo DiCaprio girlfriend"[0m
Observation: [36;1m[1;3mDiCaprio had a steady girlfriend in Camila Morrone. He had been with the model turned actress for nearly five years, as they were first said to be dating at the end of 2017. And the now 26-year-old Morrone is no stranger to Hollywood.[0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I need to calculate her age raised to the 0.43 power.
Action: Calculator
Action Input: 26^0.43[0m
Observation: [33;1m[1;3mAnswer: 4.059182145592686
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I now know the final answer.
Final Answer: Leo DiCaprio's girlfriend is Camila Morrone and her current age raised to the 0.43 power is 4.059182145592686.[0m
[1m> Finished chain.[0m
Waiting for W&B process to finish... <strong style="color:green">(success).</strong>
View run <strong style="color:#cdcd00">agent</strong> at: <a href='https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/wzy59zjq' target="_blank">https://wandb.ai/harrison-chase/langchain_callback_demo/runs/wzy59zjq</a><br/>Synced 5 W&B file(s), 2 media file(s), 7 artifact file(s) and 0 other file(s)
Find logs at: <code>./wandb/run-20230318_150550-wzy59zjq/logs</code>