此笔记本介绍了如何从 Docugami
- 安装必要的 Python 包。
- 获取您工作区的访问令牌,并确保将其设置为
环境变量。 - 获取一些已处理文档的文档集和文档 ID,如此处所述:
# You need the dgml-utils package to use the DocugamiLoader (run pip install directly without "poetry run" if you are not using poetry)
!poetry run pip install docugami-langchain dgml-utils==0.3.0 --upgrade --quiet
- 创建一个 Docugami 工作区(提供免费试用版)
- 添加您的文档(PDF、DOCX 或 DOC),并允许 Docugami 将它们摄取并聚类成相似文档的集合,例如 NDA、租赁协议和服务协议。系统不固定支持的文档类型集,创建的聚类取决于您的特定文档,您可以稍后更改文档集分配。
- 通过开发人员游乐场为您的工作区创建一个访问令牌。详细说明
- 探索 Docugami API,以获取您处理的文档集 ID 列表,或者仅获取特定文档集的文档 ID。
- 使用如下详述的 DocugamiLoader,以获取您文档的丰富语义块。
- (可选)构建并发布一个或多个报告或摘要。这有助于 Docugami 根据您的偏好使用更好的标签来改进语义 XML,然后将其作为元数据添加到 DocugamiLoader 输出中。使用诸如自查询检索器之类的技术来执行高精度文档 QA。
适当的文档分块对于从文档中检索至关重要。存在许多分块技术,包括依赖于空白的简单分块和基于字符长度的递归分块。Docugami 提供了一种不同的方法
- 智能分块: Docugami 将每个文档分解为大小不同的分块的层次结构语义 XML 树,从单个单词或数值到整个部分。这些分块遵循文档的语义轮廓,提供比任意长度或基于简单空白的分块更有意义的表示。
- 语义注释: 分块使用在文档集中连贯的语义标签进行注释,促进跨多个文档进行一致的层次结构查询,即使它们的编写和格式不同。例如,在一组租赁协议中,您可以轻松识别关键条款,如房东、租户或续租日期,以及更复杂的信息,如任何转租条款的措辞,或者特定司法管辖区是否在终止条款中包含例外条款。
- 结构化表示: 此外,XML 树使用表示标题、段落、列表、表格和其他常见元素的属性来指示每个文档的结构轮廓,并且在所有支持的文档格式(如扫描的 PDF 或 DOCX 文件)中都保持一致。它可以适当地处理长篇文档的特征,如页面页眉/页脚或多列流,以实现干净的文本提取。
- 其他元数据: 如果用户一直在使用 Docugami,则分块还会使用其他元数据进行注释。此其他元数据可用于高精度文档 QA,而没有上下文窗口限制。请参阅下面的详细代码演练。
import os
from docugami_langchain.document_loaders import DocugamiLoader
如果设置了 DOCUGAMI_API_KEY 环境变量,则无需将其显式传递给加载器,否则您可以将其作为 access_token
docset_id = "26xpy3aes7xp"
document_ids = ["d7jqdzcj50sj", "cgd1eacfkchw"]
# To load all docs in the given docset ID, just don't provide document_ids
loader = DocugamiLoader(docset_id=docset_id, document_ids=document_ids)
chunks = loader.load()
每个 Document
(实际上是 PDF、DOC 或 DOCX 的一个块)的 metadata
- id 和 source: Docugami 中块的来源文件(PDF、DOC 或 DOCX)的 ID 和名称。
- xpath: 块的文档 XML 表示内部的 XPath。对于直接引用文档 XML 内部的实际块的源引用很有用。
- structure: 块的结构属性,例如 h1、h2、div、table、td 等。如果调用者需要,可以用于过滤掉某些类型的块。
- tag: 块的语义标签,使用各种生成和提取技术。更多详细信息请参阅:
您可以通过在 DocugamiLoader
- 您可以设置最小和最大块大小,系统会尽量在最小截断的情况下遵守这些大小。您可以设置
来控制它们。 - 默认情况下,仅返回块的文本。但是,Docugami 的 XML 知识图谱具有额外的丰富信息,包括块内实体的语义标签。如果您想要返回的块上的其他 xml 元数据,请设置
loader.include_xml_tags = True
。 - 此外,如果您希望 Docugami 在返回的块中返回父块,则可以设置
loader.min_text_length = 64
loader.include_xml_tags = True
chunks = loader.load()
for chunk in chunks[:5]:
page_content='MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT\n <ThisServicesAgreement> This Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) sets forth terms under which <Company>MagicSoft, Inc. </Company>a <Org><USState>Washington </USState>Corporation </Org>(“Company”) located at <CompanyAddress><CompanyStreetAddress><Company>600 </Company><Company>4th Ave</Company></CompanyStreetAddress>, <Company>Seattle</Company>, <Client>WA </Client><ProvideServices>98104 </ProvideServices></CompanyAddress>shall provide services to <Client>Daltech, Inc.</Client>, a <Company><USState>Washington </USState>Corporation </Company>(the “Client”) located at <ClientAddress><ClientStreetAddress><Client>701 </Client><Client>1st St</Client></ClientStreetAddress>, <Client>Kirkland</Client>, <State>WA </State><Client>98033</Client></ClientAddress>. This Agreement is effective as of <EffectiveDate>February 15, 2021 </EffectiveDate>(“Effective Date”). </ThisServicesAgreement>' metadata={'xpath': '/dg:chunk/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT-section/dg:chunk', 'id': 'c28554d0af5114e2b102e6fc4dcbbde5', 'name': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'source': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'structure': 'h1 p', 'tag': 'chunk ThisServicesAgreement', 'Liability': '', 'Workers Compensation Insurance': '$1,000,000', 'Limit': '$1,000,000', 'Commercial General Liability Insurance': '$2,000,000', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions Policy': '$5,000,000', 'Excess Liability Umbrella Coverage': '$9,000,000', 'Client': 'Daltech, Inc.', 'Services Agreement Date': 'INITIAL STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) The purpose of this SOW is to describe the Software and Services that Company will initially provide to Daltech, Inc. the “Client”) under the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement entered into between the parties on June 15, 2021', 'Completion of the Services by Company Date': 'February 15, 2022', 'Charge': 'one hundred percent (100%)', 'Company': 'MagicSoft, Inc.', 'Effective Date': 'February 15, 2021', 'Start Date': '03/15/2021', 'Scheduled Onsite Visits Are Cancelled': 'ten (10) working days', 'Limit on Liability': '', 'Liability Cap': '', 'Business Automobile Liability': 'Business Automobile Liability covering all vehicles that Company owns, hires or leases with a limit of no less than $1,000,000 (combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage) for each accident.', 'Contractual Liability Coverage': 'Commercial General Liability insurance including Contractual Liability Coverage , with coverage for products liability, completed operations, property damage and bodily injury, including death , with an aggregate limit of no less than $2,000,000 . This policy shall name Client as an additional insured with respect to the provision of services provided under this Agreement. This policy shall include a waiver of subrogation against Client.', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions': 'Technology Professional Liability Errors & Omissions policy (which includes Cyber Risk coverage and Computer Security and Privacy Liability coverage) with a limit of no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate.'}
page_content='A. STANDARD SOFTWARE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT\n 1. Deliverables.\n Company shall provide Client with software, technical support, product management, development, and <_testRef>testing </_testRef>services (“Services”) to the Client as described on one or more Statements of Work signed by Company and Client that reference this Agreement (“SOW” or “Statement of Work”). Company shall perform Services in a prompt manner and have the final product or service (“Deliverable”) ready for Client no later than the due date specified in the applicable SOW (“Completion Date”). This due date is subject to change in accordance with the Change Order process defined in the applicable SOW. Client shall assist Company by promptly providing all information requests known or available and relevant to the Services in a timely manner.' metadata={'xpath': '/dg:chunk/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT-section/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT/dg:chunk[1]/docset:Standard/dg:chunk[1]/dg:chunk[1]', 'id': 'de60160d328df10fa2637637c803d2d4', 'name': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'source': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'structure': 'lim h1 lim h1 div', 'tag': 'chunk', 'Liability': '', 'Workers Compensation Insurance': '$1,000,000', 'Limit': '$1,000,000', 'Commercial General Liability Insurance': '$2,000,000', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions Policy': '$5,000,000', 'Excess Liability Umbrella Coverage': '$9,000,000', 'Client': 'Daltech, Inc.', 'Services Agreement Date': 'INITIAL STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) The purpose of this SOW is to describe the Software and Services that Company will initially provide to Daltech, Inc. the “Client”) under the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement entered into between the parties on June 15, 2021', 'Completion of the Services by Company Date': 'February 15, 2022', 'Charge': 'one hundred percent (100%)', 'Company': 'MagicSoft, Inc.', 'Effective Date': 'February 15, 2021', 'Start Date': '03/15/2021', 'Scheduled Onsite Visits Are Cancelled': 'ten (10) working days', 'Limit on Liability': '', 'Liability Cap': '', 'Business Automobile Liability': 'Business Automobile Liability covering all vehicles that Company owns, hires or leases with a limit of no less than $1,000,000 (combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage) for each accident.', 'Contractual Liability Coverage': 'Commercial General Liability insurance including Contractual Liability Coverage , with coverage for products liability, completed operations, property damage and bodily injury, including death , with an aggregate limit of no less than $2,000,000 . This policy shall name Client as an additional insured with respect to the provision of services provided under this Agreement. This policy shall include a waiver of subrogation against Client.', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions': 'Technology Professional Liability Errors & Omissions policy (which includes Cyber Risk coverage and Computer Security and Privacy Liability coverage) with a limit of no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate.'}
page_content='2. Onsite Services.\n 2.1 Onsite visits will be charged on a <Frequency>daily </Frequency>basis (minimum <OnsiteVisits>8 hours</OnsiteVisits>).' metadata={'xpath': '/dg:chunk/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT-section/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT/dg:chunk[1]/docset:Standard/dg:chunk[3]/dg:chunk[1]', 'id': 'db18315b437ac2de6b555d2d8ef8f893', 'name': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'source': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'structure': 'lim h1 lim p', 'tag': 'chunk', 'Liability': '', 'Workers Compensation Insurance': '$1,000,000', 'Limit': '$1,000,000', 'Commercial General Liability Insurance': '$2,000,000', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions Policy': '$5,000,000', 'Excess Liability Umbrella Coverage': '$9,000,000', 'Client': 'Daltech, Inc.', 'Services Agreement Date': 'INITIAL STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) The purpose of this SOW is to describe the Software and Services that Company will initially provide to Daltech, Inc. the “Client”) under the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement entered into between the parties on June 15, 2021', 'Completion of the Services by Company Date': 'February 15, 2022', 'Charge': 'one hundred percent (100%)', 'Company': 'MagicSoft, Inc.', 'Effective Date': 'February 15, 2021', 'Start Date': '03/15/2021', 'Scheduled Onsite Visits Are Cancelled': 'ten (10) working days', 'Limit on Liability': '', 'Liability Cap': '', 'Business Automobile Liability': 'Business Automobile Liability covering all vehicles that Company owns, hires or leases with a limit of no less than $1,000,000 (combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage) for each accident.', 'Contractual Liability Coverage': 'Commercial General Liability insurance including Contractual Liability Coverage , with coverage for products liability, completed operations, property damage and bodily injury, including death , with an aggregate limit of no less than $2,000,000 . This policy shall name Client as an additional insured with respect to the provision of services provided under this Agreement. This policy shall include a waiver of subrogation against Client.', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions': 'Technology Professional Liability Errors & Omissions policy (which includes Cyber Risk coverage and Computer Security and Privacy Liability coverage) with a limit of no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate.'}
page_content='2.2 <Expenses>Time and expenses will be charged based on actuals unless otherwise described in an Order Form or accompanying SOW. </Expenses>' metadata={'xpath': '/dg:chunk/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT-section/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT/dg:chunk[1]/docset:Standard/dg:chunk[3]/dg:chunk[2]/docset:ADailyBasis/dg:chunk[2]/dg:chunk', 'id': '506220fa472d5c48c8ee3db78c1122c1', 'name': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'source': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'structure': 'lim p', 'tag': 'chunk Expenses', 'Liability': '', 'Workers Compensation Insurance': '$1,000,000', 'Limit': '$1,000,000', 'Commercial General Liability Insurance': '$2,000,000', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions Policy': '$5,000,000', 'Excess Liability Umbrella Coverage': '$9,000,000', 'Client': 'Daltech, Inc.', 'Services Agreement Date': 'INITIAL STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) The purpose of this SOW is to describe the Software and Services that Company will initially provide to Daltech, Inc. the “Client”) under the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement entered into between the parties on June 15, 2021', 'Completion of the Services by Company Date': 'February 15, 2022', 'Charge': 'one hundred percent (100%)', 'Company': 'MagicSoft, Inc.', 'Effective Date': 'February 15, 2021', 'Start Date': '03/15/2021', 'Scheduled Onsite Visits Are Cancelled': 'ten (10) working days', 'Limit on Liability': '', 'Liability Cap': '', 'Business Automobile Liability': 'Business Automobile Liability covering all vehicles that Company owns, hires or leases with a limit of no less than $1,000,000 (combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage) for each accident.', 'Contractual Liability Coverage': 'Commercial General Liability insurance including Contractual Liability Coverage , with coverage for products liability, completed operations, property damage and bodily injury, including death , with an aggregate limit of no less than $2,000,000 . This policy shall name Client as an additional insured with respect to the provision of services provided under this Agreement. This policy shall include a waiver of subrogation against Client.', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions': 'Technology Professional Liability Errors & Omissions policy (which includes Cyber Risk coverage and Computer Security and Privacy Liability coverage) with a limit of no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate.'}
page_content='2.3 <RegularWorkingHours>All work will be executed during regular working hours <RegularWorkingHours>Monday</RegularWorkingHours>-<Weekday>Friday </Weekday><RegularWorkingHours><RegularWorkingHours>0800</RegularWorkingHours>-<Number>1900</Number></RegularWorkingHours>. For work outside of these hours on weekdays, Company will charge <Charge>one hundred percent (100%) </Charge>of the regular hourly rate and <Charge>two hundred percent (200%) </Charge>for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays applicable to Company. </RegularWorkingHours>' metadata={'xpath': '/dg:chunk/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT-section/docset:MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENT/dg:chunk[1]/docset:Standard/dg:chunk[3]/dg:chunk[2]/docset:ADailyBasis/dg:chunk[3]/dg:chunk', 'id': 'dac7a3ded61b5c4f3e59771243ea46c1', 'name': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'source': 'Master Services Agreement - Daltech.docx', 'structure': 'lim p', 'tag': 'chunk RegularWorkingHours', 'Liability': '', 'Workers Compensation Insurance': '$1,000,000', 'Limit': '$1,000,000', 'Commercial General Liability Insurance': '$2,000,000', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions Policy': '$5,000,000', 'Excess Liability Umbrella Coverage': '$9,000,000', 'Client': 'Daltech, Inc.', 'Services Agreement Date': 'INITIAL STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) The purpose of this SOW is to describe the Software and Services that Company will initially provide to Daltech, Inc. the “Client”) under the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement entered into between the parties on June 15, 2021', 'Completion of the Services by Company Date': 'February 15, 2022', 'Charge': 'one hundred percent (100%)', 'Company': 'MagicSoft, Inc.', 'Effective Date': 'February 15, 2021', 'Start Date': '03/15/2021', 'Scheduled Onsite Visits Are Cancelled': 'ten (10) working days', 'Limit on Liability': '', 'Liability Cap': '', 'Business Automobile Liability': 'Business Automobile Liability covering all vehicles that Company owns, hires or leases with a limit of no less than $1,000,000 (combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage) for each accident.', 'Contractual Liability Coverage': 'Commercial General Liability insurance including Contractual Liability Coverage , with coverage for products liability, completed operations, property damage and bodily injury, including death , with an aggregate limit of no less than $2,000,000 . This policy shall name Client as an additional insured with respect to the provision of services provided under this Agreement. This policy shall include a waiver of subrogation against Client.', 'Technology Professional Liability Errors Omissions': 'Technology Professional Liability Errors & Omissions policy (which includes Cyber Risk coverage and Computer Security and Privacy Liability coverage) with a limit of no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate.'}
基本用法:用于文档 QA 的 Docugami 加载器
你可以像使用标准加载器一样使用 Docugami 加载器,对多个文档进行文档问答,但它具有更好的分块效果,遵循文档的自然轮廓。关于如何做到这一点有很多很好的教程,例如这个教程。我们可以使用相同的代码,但使用 DocugamiLoader
来获得更好的分块,而不是直接使用基本的分裂技术加载文本或 PDF 文件。
!poetry run pip install --upgrade langchain-openai tiktoken langchain-chroma hnswlib
# For this example, we already have a processed docset for a set of lease documents
loader = DocugamiLoader(docset_id="zo954yqy53wp")
chunks = loader.load()
# strip semantic metadata intentionally, to test how things work without semantic metadata
for chunk in chunks:
stripped_metadata = chunk.metadata.copy()
for key in chunk.metadata:
if key not in ["name", "xpath", "id", "structure"]:
# remove semantic metadata
del stripped_metadata[key]
chunk.metadata = stripped_metadata
加载器返回的文档已经分割好,所以我们不需要使用文本分割器。 可选地,我们可以使用每个文档的元数据,例如结构或标签属性,来执行我们想要的任何后处理。
我们将直接使用 DocugamiLoader
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain_chroma import Chroma
from langchain_openai import OpenAI, OpenAIEmbeddings
embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings()
vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(documents=chunks, embedding=embedding)
retriever = vectordb.as_retriever()
qa_chain = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(
llm=OpenAI(), chain_type="stuff", retriever=retriever, return_source_documents=True
# Try out the retriever with an example query
qa_chain("What can tenants do with signage on their properties?")
{'query': 'What can tenants do with signage on their properties?',
'result': ' Tenants can place or attach signage (digital or otherwise) to their property after receiving written permission from the landlord, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. The signage must conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, etc. governing the same, and tenants must remove all such signs by the termination of the lease.',
'source_documents': [Document(page_content='6.01 Signage. Tenant may place or attach to the Premises signs (digital or otherwise) or other such identification as needed after receiving written permission from the Landlord, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any damage caused to the Premises by the Tenant’s erecting or removing such signs shall be repaired promptly by the Tenant at the Tenant’s expense. Any signs or other form of identification allowed must conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, etc. governing the same. Tenant also agrees to have any window or glass identification completely removed and cleaned at its expense promptly upon vacating the Premises. ARTICLE VII UTILITIES', metadata={'id': '1c290eea05915ba0f24c4a1ffc05d6f3', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/TruTone Lane 6.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1', 'xpath': '/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/dg:chunk[2]/dg:chunk[1]/docset:TheApprovedUse/dg:chunk[12]/dg:chunk[1]'}),
Document(page_content='6.01 Signage. Tenant may place or attach to the Premises signs (digital or otherwise) or other such identification as needed after receiving written permission from the Landlord, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any damage caused to the Premises by the Tenant’s erecting or removing such signs shall be repaired promptly by the Tenant at the Tenant’s expense. Any signs or other form of identification allowed must conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, etc. governing the same. Tenant also agrees to have any window or glass identification completely removed and cleaned at its expense promptly upon vacating the Premises. ARTICLE VII UTILITIES', metadata={'id': '1c290eea05915ba0f24c4a1ffc05d6f3', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/TruTone Lane 2.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1', 'xpath': '/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/dg:chunk[2]/dg:chunk[1]/docset:TheApprovedUse/dg:chunk[12]/dg:chunk[1]'}),
Document(page_content='Tenant may place or attach to the Premises signs (digital or otherwise) or other such identification as needed after receiving written permission from the Landlord, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any damage caused to the Premises by the Tenant’s erecting or removing such signs shall be repaired promptly by the Tenant at the Tenant’s expense. Any signs or other form of identification allowed must conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, etc. governing the same. Tenant also agrees to have any window or glass identification completely removed and cleaned at its expense promptly upon vacating the Premises.', metadata={'id': '58d268162ecc36d8633b7bc364afcb8c', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/TruTone Lane 2.docx', 'structure': 'div', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASEAGREEMENT-section/docset:OFFICELEASEAGREEMENT/dg:chunk/docset:ARTICLEVISIGNAGE-section/docset:ARTICLEVISIGNAGE/docset:_601Signage'}),
Document(page_content='8. SIGNS:\n Tenant shall not install signs upon the Premises without Landlord’s prior written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and any such signage shall be subject to any applicable governmental laws, ordinances, regulations, and other requirements. Tenant shall remove all such signs by the terminations of this Lease. Such installations and removals shall be made in such a manner as to avoid injury or defacement of the Building and other improvements, and Tenant shall repair any injury or defacement, including without limitation discoloration caused by such installations and/or removal.', metadata={'id': '6b7d88f0c979c65d5db088fc177fa81f', 'name': 'Lease Agreements/Bioplex, Inc.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1 div', 'xpath': '/dg:chunk/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk/docset:TheObligation/dg:chunk[8]/dg:chunk'})]}
使用 Docugami 知识图谱实现高准确度文档问答
大型文档的一个问题是,问题的正确答案可能取决于文档中相距很远的分块。典型的分块技术,即使有重叠,也难以向 LLM 提供足够的上下文来回答此类问题。随着即将出现的大型上下文 LLM,可能会将大量令牌,甚至整个文档,塞入上下文中,但这在非常长的文档或大量文档的情况下仍然会在某个时候达到限制。
例如,如果我们提出一个更复杂的问题,需要 LLM 从文档的不同部分提取分块,即使是 OpenAI 强大的 LLM 也无法正确回答。
chain_response = qa_chain("What is rentable area for the property owned by DHA Group?")
chain_response["result"] # correct answer should be 13,500 sq ft
" I don't know."
[Document(page_content='1.6 Rentable Area of the Premises.', metadata={'id': '5b39a1ae84d51682328dca1467be211f', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/docset:BasicLeaseInformation/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS-section/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS/docset:CatalystGroup/dg:chunk[6]/dg:chunk'}),
Document(page_content='1.6 Rentable Area of the Premises.', metadata={'id': '5b39a1ae84d51682328dca1467be211f', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_AZ.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/docset:BasicLeaseInformation/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS-section/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS/docset:MenloGroup/dg:chunk[6]/dg:chunk'}),
Document(page_content='1.6 Rentable Area of the Premises.', metadata={'id': '5b39a1ae84d51682328dca1467be211f', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_FL.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/docset:Florida-section/docset:Florida/docset:Shorebucks/dg:chunk[5]/dg:chunk'}),
Document(page_content='1.6 Rentable Area of the Premises.', metadata={'id': '5b39a1ae84d51682328dca1467be211f', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_TX.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/docset:BasicLeaseInformation/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS-section/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS/docset:LandmarkLlc/dg:chunk[6]/dg:chunk'})]
乍一看,答案可能看起来合理,但它是错误的。如果仔细查看此答案的来源分块,你会发现文档的分块没有将房东名称和可租赁面积放在同一上下文中,并且产生了不相关的分块,因此答案不正确(应该为 13,500 平方英尺)
Docugami 可以帮助解决这个问题。如果用户使用 Docugami,则会使用不同的技术创建的额外元数据来注释分块。稍后将添加更技术性的方法。
具体来说,让我们要求 Docugami 在其输出中返回 XML 标签以及其他元数据
loader = DocugamiLoader(docset_id="zo954yqy53wp")
loader.include_xml_tags = (
True # for additional semantics from the Docugami knowledge graph
chunks = loader.load()
{'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/dg:chunk', 'id': '47297e277e556f3ce8b570047304560b', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_AZ.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_AZ.pdf', 'structure': 'h1 h1 p', 'tag': 'chunk Lease', 'Lease Date': 'March 29th , 2019', 'Landlord': 'Menlo Group', 'Tenant': 'Shorebucks LLC', 'Premises Address': '1564 E Broadway Rd , Tempe , Arizona 85282', 'Term of Lease': '96 full calendar months', 'Square Feet': '16,159'}
!poetry run pip install --upgrade lark --quiet
from langchain.chains.query_constructor.schema import AttributeInfo
from langchain.retrievers.self_query.base import SelfQueryRetriever
from langchain_chroma import Chroma
EXCLUDE_KEYS = ["id", "xpath", "structure"]
metadata_field_info = [
description=f"The {key} for this chunk",
for key in chunks[0].metadata
if key.lower() not in EXCLUDE_KEYS
document_content_description = "Contents of this chunk"
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(documents=chunks, embedding=embedding)
retriever = SelfQueryRetriever.from_llm(
llm, vectordb, document_content_description, metadata_field_info, verbose=True
qa_chain = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(
"What is rentable area for the property owned by DHA Group?"
) # correct answer should be 13,500 sq ft
[1m> Entering new RetrievalQA chain...[0m
[1m> Finished chain.[0m
{'query': 'What is rentable area for the property owned by DHA Group?',
'result': ' The rentable area of the property owned by DHA Group is 13,500 square feet.',
'source_documents': [Document(page_content='1.6 Rentable Area of the Premises.', metadata={'Landlord': 'DHA Group', 'Lease Date': 'March 29th , 2019', 'Premises Address': '111 Bauer Dr , Oakland , New Jersey , 07436', 'Square Feet': '13,500', 'Tenant': 'Shorebucks LLC', 'Term of Lease': '84 full calendar months', 'id': '5b39a1ae84d51682328dca1467be211f', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1', 'tag': 'chunk', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/docset:BasicLeaseInformation/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS-section/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS/docset:DhaGroup/dg:chunk[6]/dg:chunk'}),
Document(page_content='<RentableAreaofthePremises><SquareFeet>13,500 </SquareFeet>square feet. This square footage figure includes an add-on factor for Common Areas in the Building and has been agreed upon by the parties as final and correct and is not subject to challenge or dispute by either party. </RentableAreaofthePremises>', metadata={'Landlord': 'DHA Group', 'Lease Date': 'March 29th , 2019', 'Premises Address': '111 Bauer Dr , Oakland , New Jersey , 07436', 'Square Feet': '13,500', 'Tenant': 'Shorebucks LLC', 'Term of Lease': '84 full calendar months', 'id': '4c06903d087f5a83e486ee42cd702d31', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'structure': 'div', 'tag': 'RentableAreaofthePremises', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/docset:BasicLeaseInformation/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS-section/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS/docset:DhaGroup/dg:chunk[6]/docset:RentableAreaofthePremises-section/docset:RentableAreaofthePremises'}),
Document(page_content='<TheTermAnnualMarketRent>shall mean (i) for the initial Lease Year (“Year 1”) <Money>$2,239,748.00 </Money>per year (i.e., the product of the Rentable Area of the Premises multiplied by <Money>$82.00</Money>) (the “Year 1 Market Rent Hurdle”); (ii) for the Lease Year thereafter, <Percent>one hundred three percent (103%) </Percent>of the Year 1 Market Rent Hurdle, and (iii) for each Lease Year thereafter until the termination or expiration of this Lease, the Annual Market Rent Threshold shall be <AnnualMarketRentThreshold>one hundred three percent (103%) </AnnualMarketRentThreshold>of the Annual Market Rent Threshold for the immediately prior Lease Year. </TheTermAnnualMarketRent>', metadata={'Landlord': 'DHA Group', 'Lease Date': 'March 29th , 2019', 'Premises Address': '111 Bauer Dr , Oakland , New Jersey , 07436', 'Square Feet': '13,500', 'Tenant': 'Shorebucks LLC', 'Term of Lease': '84 full calendar months', 'id': '6b90beeadace5d4d12b25706fb48e631', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'structure': 'div', 'tag': 'TheTermAnnualMarketRent', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/docset:GrossRentCredit-section/docset:GrossRentCredit/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/dg:chunk[2]/docset:PercentageRent/dg:chunk[2]/dg:chunk[2]/docset:TenantSRevenue/dg:chunk[2]/docset:TenantSRevenue/dg:chunk[3]/docset:TheTermAnnualMarketRent-section/docset:TheTermAnnualMarketRent'}),
Document(page_content='1.11 Percentage Rent.\n (a) <GrossRevenue><Percent>55% </Percent>of Gross Revenue to Landlord until Landlord receives Percentage Rent in an amount equal to the Annual Market Rent Hurdle (as escalated); and </GrossRevenue>', metadata={'Landlord': 'DHA Group', 'Lease Date': 'March 29th , 2019', 'Premises Address': '111 Bauer Dr , Oakland , New Jersey , 07436', 'Square Feet': '13,500', 'Tenant': 'Shorebucks LLC', 'Term of Lease': '84 full calendar months', 'id': 'c8bb9cbedf65a578d9db3f25f519dd3d', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1 lim p', 'tag': 'chunk GrossRevenue', 'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/docset:GrossRentCredit-section/docset:GrossRentCredit/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/docset:PercentageRent/dg:chunk[1]/dg:chunk[1]'})]}
这次答案是正确的,因为自查询检索器在元数据的房东属性上创建了一个过滤器,正确地过滤到专门关于 DHA 集团房东的文档。 结果的源分块都与此房东相关,这提高了答案的准确性,即使房东没有在包含正确答案的特定分块中直接提及。
文档本质上是半结构化的,DocugamiLoader 能够导航文档的语义和结构轮廓,在其返回的分块上提供父分块引用。这对于例如与MultiVector 检索器用于从小到大检索非常有用。
要获取父分块引用,可以将 loader.parent_hierarchy_levels
from typing import Dict, List
from docugami_langchain.document_loaders import DocugamiLoader
from langchain_core.documents import Document
loader = DocugamiLoader(docset_id="zo954yqy53wp")
loader.include_xml_tags = (
True # for additional semantics from the Docugami knowledge graph
loader.parent_hierarchy_levels = 3 # for expanded context
loader.max_text_length = (
1024 * 8
) # 8K chars are roughly 2K tokens (ref:
loader.include_project_metadata_in_doc_metadata = (
False # Not filtering on vector metadata, so remove to lighten the vectors
chunks: List[Document] = loader.load()
# build separate maps of parent and child chunks
parents_by_id: Dict[str, Document] = {}
children_by_id: Dict[str, Document] = {}
for chunk in chunks:
chunk_id = chunk.metadata.get("id")
parent_chunk_id = chunk.metadata.get(loader.parent_id_key)
if not parent_chunk_id:
# parent chunk
parents_by_id[chunk_id] = chunk
# child chunk
children_by_id[chunk_id] = chunk
# Explore some of the parent chunk relationships
for id, chunk in list(children_by_id.items())[:5]:
parent_chunk_id = chunk.metadata.get(loader.parent_id_key)
if parent_chunk_id:
# child chunks have the parent chunk id set
print(f"PARENT CHUNK {parent_chunk_id}: {parents_by_id[parent_chunk_id]}")
print(f"CHUNK {id}: {chunk}")
PARENT CHUNK 7df09fbfc65bb8377054808aac2d16fd: page_content='OFFICE LEASE\n THIS OFFICE LEASE\n <Lease>(the "Lease") is made and entered into as of <LeaseDate>March 29th, 2019</LeaseDate>, by and between Landlord and Tenant. "Date of this Lease" shall mean the date on which the last one of the Landlord and Tenant has signed this Lease. </Lease>\nW I T N E S S E T H\n <TheTerms> Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant hires from Landlord the Premises. </TheTerms>\n1. BASIC LEASE INFORMATION AND DEFINED TERMS.\nThe key business terms of this Lease and the defined terms used in this Lease are as follows:' metadata={'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/dg:chunk', 'id': '7df09fbfc65bb8377054808aac2d16fd', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'structure': 'h1 h1 p h1 p lim h1 p', 'tag': 'chunk Lease chunk TheTerms'}
CHUNK 47297e277e556f3ce8b570047304560b: page_content='OFFICE LEASE\n THIS OFFICE LEASE\n <Lease>(the "Lease") is made and entered into as of <LeaseDate>March 29th, 2019</LeaseDate>, by and between Landlord and Tenant. "Date of this Lease" shall mean the date on which the last one of the Landlord and Tenant has signed this Lease. </Lease>' metadata={'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/dg:chunk', 'id': '47297e277e556f3ce8b570047304560b', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_NJ.pdf', 'structure': 'h1 h1 p', 'tag': 'chunk Lease', 'doc_id': '7df09fbfc65bb8377054808aac2d16fd'}
PARENT CHUNK bb84925da3bed22c30ea1bdc173ff54f: page_content='OFFICE LEASE\n THIS OFFICE LEASE\n <Lease>(the "Lease") is made and entered into as of <LeaseDate>January 8th, 2018</LeaseDate>, by and between Landlord and Tenant. "Date of this Lease" shall mean the date on which the last one of the Landlord and Tenant has signed this Lease. </Lease>\nW I T N E S S E T H\n <TheTerms> Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant hires from Landlord the Premises. </TheTerms>\n1. BASIC LEASE INFORMATION AND DEFINED TERMS.\nThe key business terms of this Lease and the defined terms used in this Lease are as follows:\n1.1 Landlord.\n <Landlord>Catalyst Group LLC </Landlord>' metadata={'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/dg:chunk', 'id': 'bb84925da3bed22c30ea1bdc173ff54f', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'structure': 'h1 h1 p h1 p lim h1 p lim h1 div', 'tag': 'chunk Lease chunk TheTerms chunk Landlord'}
CHUNK 2f1746cbd546d1d61a9250c50de7a7fa: page_content='W I T N E S S E T H\n <TheTerms> Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant hires from Landlord the Premises. </TheTerms>' metadata={'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/dg:chunk', 'id': '2f1746cbd546d1d61a9250c50de7a7fa', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'structure': 'h1 p', 'tag': 'chunk TheTerms', 'doc_id': 'bb84925da3bed22c30ea1bdc173ff54f'}
PARENT CHUNK 0b0d765b6e504a6ba54fa76b203e62ec: page_content='OFFICE LEASE\n THIS OFFICE LEASE\n <Lease>(the "Lease") is made and entered into as of <LeaseDate>January 8th, 2018</LeaseDate>, by and between Landlord and Tenant. "Date of this Lease" shall mean the date on which the last one of the Landlord and Tenant has signed this Lease. </Lease>\nW I T N E S S E T H\n <TheTerms> Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant hires from Landlord the Premises. </TheTerms>\n1. BASIC LEASE INFORMATION AND DEFINED TERMS.\nThe key business terms of this Lease and the defined terms used in this Lease are as follows:\n1.1 Landlord.\n <Landlord>Catalyst Group LLC </Landlord>\n1.2 Tenant.\n <Tenant>Shorebucks LLC </Tenant>' metadata={'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/dg:chunk', 'id': '0b0d765b6e504a6ba54fa76b203e62ec', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'structure': 'h1 h1 p h1 p lim h1 p lim h1 div lim h1 div', 'tag': 'chunk Lease chunk TheTerms chunk Landlord chunk Tenant'}
CHUNK b362dfe776ec5a7a66451a8c7c220b59: page_content='1. BASIC LEASE INFORMATION AND DEFINED TERMS.' metadata={'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/docset:BasicLeaseInformation/dg:chunk', 'id': 'b362dfe776ec5a7a66451a8c7c220b59', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'structure': 'lim h1', 'tag': 'chunk', 'doc_id': '0b0d765b6e504a6ba54fa76b203e62ec'}
PARENT CHUNK c942010baaf76aa4d4657769492f6edb: page_content='OFFICE LEASE\n THIS OFFICE LEASE\n <Lease>(the "Lease") is made and entered into as of <LeaseDate>January 8th, 2018</LeaseDate>, by and between Landlord and Tenant. "Date of this Lease" shall mean the date on which the last one of the Landlord and Tenant has signed this Lease. </Lease>\nW I T N E S S E T H\n <TheTerms> Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant hires from Landlord the Premises. </TheTerms>\n1. BASIC LEASE INFORMATION AND DEFINED TERMS.\nThe key business terms of this Lease and the defined terms used in this Lease are as follows:\n1.1 Landlord.\n <Landlord>Catalyst Group LLC </Landlord>\n1.2 Tenant.\n <Tenant>Shorebucks LLC </Tenant>\n1.3 Building.\n <Building>The building containing the Premises located at <PremisesAddress><PremisesStreetAddress><MainStreet>600 </MainStreet><StreetName>Main Street</StreetName></PremisesStreetAddress>, <City>Bellevue</City>, <State>WA</State>, <Premises>98004</Premises></PremisesAddress>. The Building is located within the Project. </Building>' metadata={'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/dg:chunk', 'id': 'c942010baaf76aa4d4657769492f6edb', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'structure': 'h1 h1 p h1 p lim h1 p lim h1 div lim h1 div lim h1 div', 'tag': 'chunk Lease chunk TheTerms chunk Landlord chunk Tenant chunk Building'}
CHUNK a95971d693b7aa0f6640df1fbd18c2ba: page_content='The key business terms of this Lease and the defined terms used in this Lease are as follows:' metadata={'xpath': '/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE-section/docset:OFFICELEASE/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk/dg:chunk/docset:BasicLeaseInformation/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS-section/docset:BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS/dg:chunk', 'id': 'a95971d693b7aa0f6640df1fbd18c2ba', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_WA.pdf', 'structure': 'p', 'tag': 'chunk', 'doc_id': 'c942010baaf76aa4d4657769492f6edb'}
PARENT CHUNK f34b649cde7fc4ae156849a56d690495: page_content='W I T N E S S E T H\n <TheTerms> Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant hires from Landlord the Premises. </TheTerms>\n1. BASIC LEASE INFORMATION AND DEFINED TERMS.\n<BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS>The key business terms of this Lease and the defined terms used in this Lease are as follows: </BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS>\n1.1 Landlord.\n <Landlord><Landlord>Menlo Group</Landlord>, a <USState>Delaware </USState>limited liability company authorized to transact business in <USState>Arizona</USState>. </Landlord>\n1.2 Tenant.\n <Tenant>Shorebucks LLC </Tenant>\n1.3 Building.\n <Building>The building containing the Premises located at <PremisesAddress><PremisesStreetAddress><Premises>1564 </Premises><Premises>E Broadway Rd</Premises></PremisesStreetAddress>, <City>Tempe</City>, <USState>Arizona </USState><Premises>85282</Premises></PremisesAddress>. The Building is located within the Project. </Building>\n1.4 Project.\n <Project>The parcel of land and the buildings and improvements located on such land known as Shorebucks Office <ShorebucksOfficeAddress><ShorebucksOfficeStreetAddress><ShorebucksOffice>6 </ShorebucksOffice><ShorebucksOffice6>located at <Number>1564 </Number>E Broadway Rd</ShorebucksOffice6></ShorebucksOfficeStreetAddress>, <City>Tempe</City>, <USState>Arizona </USState><Number>85282</Number></ShorebucksOfficeAddress>. The Project is legally described in EXHIBIT "A" to this Lease. </Project>' metadata={'xpath': '/dg:chunk/docset:WITNESSETH-section/dg:chunk', 'id': 'f34b649cde7fc4ae156849a56d690495', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_AZ.docx', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_AZ.docx', 'structure': 'h1 p lim h1 div lim h1 div lim h1 div lim h1 div lim h1 div', 'tag': 'chunk TheTerms BASICLEASEINFORMATIONANDDEFINEDTERMS chunk Landlord chunk Tenant chunk Building chunk Project'}
CHUNK 21b4d9517f7ccdc0e3a028ce5043a2a0: page_content='1.1 Landlord.\n <Landlord><Landlord>Menlo Group</Landlord>, a <USState>Delaware </USState>limited liability company authorized to transact business in <USState>Arizona</USState>. </Landlord>' metadata={'xpath': '/dg:chunk/docset:WITNESSETH-section/docset:WITNESSETH/dg:chunk[1]/dg:chunk[1]/dg:chunk/dg:chunk[2]/dg:chunk', 'id': '21b4d9517f7ccdc0e3a028ce5043a2a0', 'name': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_AZ.docx', 'source': 'Sample Commercial Leases/Shorebucks LLC_AZ.docx', 'structure': 'lim h1 div', 'tag': 'chunk Landlord', 'doc_id': 'f34b649cde7fc4ae156849a56d690495'}
from langchain.retrievers.multi_vector import MultiVectorRetriever, SearchType
from import InMemoryStore
from langchain_chroma import Chroma
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
# The vectorstore to use to index the child chunks
vectorstore = Chroma(collection_name="big2small", embedding_function=OpenAIEmbeddings())
# The storage layer for the parent documents
store = InMemoryStore()
# The retriever (empty to start)
retriever = MultiVectorRetriever(
search_type=SearchType.mmr, # use max marginal relevance search
search_kwargs={"k": 2},
# Add child chunks to vector store
# Add parent chunks to docstore
# Query vector store directly, should return chunks
found_chunks = vectorstore.similarity_search(
"what signs does Birch Street allow on their property?", k=2
for chunk in found_chunks:
24. SIGNS.
<SIGNS>No signage shall be placed by Tenant on any portion of the Project. However, Tenant shall be permitted to place a sign bearing its name in a location approved by Landlord near the entrance to the Premises (at Tenant's cost) and will be furnished a single listing of its name in the Building's directory (at Landlord's cost), all in accordance with the criteria adopted <Frequency>from time to time </Frequency>by Landlord for the Project. Any changes or additional listings in the directory shall be furnished (subject to availability of space) for the then Building Standard charge. </SIGNS>
<TheExterior> Tenant agrees that all signs, awnings, protective gates, security devices and other installations visible from the exterior of the Premises shall be subject to Landlord's prior written approval, shall be subject to the prior approval of the <Org>Landmarks </Org><Landmarks>Preservation Commission </Landmarks>of the City of <USState>New <Org>York</Org></USState>, if required, and shall not interfere with or block either of the adjacent stores, provided, however, that Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold consent for signs that Tenant desires to install. Tenant agrees that any permitted signs, awnings, protective gates, security devices, and other installations shall be installed at Tenant’s sole cost and expense professionally prepared and dignified and subject to Landlord's prior written approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned, and subject to such reasonable rules and restrictions as Landlord <Frequency>from time to time </Frequency>may impose. Tenant shall submit to Landlord drawings of the proposed signs and other installations, showing the size, color, illumination and general appearance thereof, together with a statement of the manner in which the same are to be affixed to the Premises. Tenant shall not commence the installation of the proposed signs and other installations unless and until Landlord shall have approved the same in writing. . Tenant shall not install any neon sign. The aforesaid signs shall be used solely for the purpose of identifying Tenant's business. No changes shall be made in the signs and other installations without first obtaining Landlord's prior written consent thereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. Tenant shall, at its own cost and expense, obtain and exhibit to Landlord such permits or certificates of approval as Tenant may be required to obtain from any and all City, State and other authorities having jurisdiction covering the erection, installation, maintenance or use of said signs or other installations, and Tenant shall maintain the said signs and other installations together with any appurtenances thereto in good order and condition and to the satisfaction of the Landlord and in accordance with any and all orders, regulations, requirements and rules of any public authorities having jurisdiction thereover. Landlord consents to Tenant’s Initial Signage described in annexed Exhibit D. </TheExterior>
# Query retriever, should return parents (using MMR since that was set as search_type above)
retrieved_parent_docs = retriever.invoke(
"what signs does Birch Street allow on their property?"
for chunk in retrieved_parent_docs:
<SERVICESANDUTILITIES>Landlord shall have no obligation to provide any utilities or services to the Premises other than passenger elevator service to the Premises. Tenant shall be solely responsible for and shall promptly pay all charges for water, electricity, or any other utility used or consumed in the Premises, including all costs associated with separately metering for the Premises. Tenant shall be responsible for repairs and maintenance to exit lighting, emergency lighting, and fire extinguishers for the Premises. Tenant is responsible for interior janitorial, pest control, and waste removal services. Landlord may at any time change the electrical utility provider for the Building. Tenant’s use of electrical, HVAC, or other services furnished by Landlord shall not exceed, either in voltage, rated capacity, use, or overall load, that which Landlord deems to be standard for the Building. In no event shall Landlord be liable for damages resulting from the failure to furnish any service, and any interruption or failure shall in no manner entitle Tenant to any remedies including abatement of Rent. If at any time during the Lease Term the Project has any type of card access system for the Parking Areas or the Building, Tenant shall purchase access cards for all occupants of the Premises from Landlord at a Building Standard charge and shall comply with Building Standard terms relating to access to the Parking Areas and the Building. </SERVICESANDUTILITIES>
<SECURITYDEPOSIT>The Security Deposit shall be held by Landlord as security for Tenant's full and faithful performance of this Lease including the payment of Rent. Tenant grants Landlord a security interest in the Security Deposit. The Security Deposit may be commingled with other funds of Landlord and Landlord shall have no liability for payment of any interest on the Security Deposit. Landlord may apply the Security Deposit to the extent required to cure any default by Tenant. If Landlord so applies the Security Deposit, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord the amount necessary to replenish the Security Deposit to its original sum within <Deliver>five days </Deliver>after notice from Landlord. The Security Deposit shall not be deemed an advance payment of Rent or a measure of damages for any default by Tenant, nor shall it be a defense to any action that Landlord may bring against Tenant. </SECURITYDEPOSIT>
<GOVERNMENTALREGULATIONS>Tenant, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, shall promptly comply (and shall cause all subtenants and licensees to comply) with all laws, codes, and ordinances of governmental authorities, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of <AmericanswithDisabilitiesActDate>1990 </AmericanswithDisabilitiesActDate>as amended (the "ADA"), and all recorded covenants and restrictions affecting the Project, pertaining to Tenant, its conduct of business, and its use and occupancy of the Premises, including the performance of any work to the Common Areas required because of Tenant's specific use (as opposed to general office use) of the Premises or Alterations to the Premises made by Tenant. </GOVERNMENTALREGULATIONS>
24. SIGNS.
<SIGNS>No signage shall be placed by Tenant on any portion of the Project. However, Tenant shall be permitted to place a sign bearing its name in a location approved by Landlord near the entrance to the Premises (at Tenant's cost) and will be furnished a single listing of its name in the Building's directory (at Landlord's cost), all in accordance with the criteria adopted <Frequency>from time to time </Frequency>by Landlord for the Project. Any changes or additional listings in the directory shall be furnished (subject to availability of space) for the then Building Standard charge. </SIGNS>
<BROKER>Landlord and Tenant each represent and warrant that they have neither consulted nor negotiated with any broker or finder regarding the Premises, except the Landlord's Broker and Tenant's Broker. Tenant shall indemnify, defend, and hold Landlord harmless from and against any claims for commissions from any real estate broker other than Landlord's Broker and Tenant's Broker with whom Tenant has dealt in connection with this Lease. Landlord shall indemnify, defend, and hold Tenant harmless from and against payment of any leasing commission due Landlord's Broker and Tenant's Broker in connection with this Lease and any claims for commissions from any real estate broker other than Landlord's Broker and Tenant's Broker with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease. The terms of this article shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease. </BROKER>
<ENDOFTERM>Tenant shall surrender the Premises to Landlord at the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease or Tenant's right of possession in good order and condition, broom-clean, except for reasonable wear and tear. All Alterations made by Landlord or Tenant to the Premises shall become Landlord's property on the expiration or sooner termination of the Lease Term. On the expiration or sooner termination of the Lease Term, Tenant, at its expense, shall remove from the Premises all of Tenant's personal property, all computer and telecommunications wiring, and all Alterations that Landlord designates by notice to Tenant. Tenant shall also repair any damage to the Premises caused by the removal. Any items of Tenant's property that shall remain in the Premises after the expiration or sooner termination of the Lease Term, may, at the option of Landlord and without notice, be deemed to have been abandoned, and in that case, those items may be retained by Landlord as its property to be disposed of by Landlord, without accountability or notice to Tenant or any other party, in the manner Landlord shall determine, at Tenant's expense. </ENDOFTERM>
<ATTORNEYSFEES>Except as otherwise provided in this Lease, the prevailing party in any litigation or other dispute resolution proceeding, including arbitration, arising out of or in any manner based on or relating to this Lease, including tort actions and actions for injunctive, declaratory, and provisional relief, shall be entitled to recover from the losing party actual attorneys' fees and costs, including fees for litigating the entitlement to or amount of fees or costs owed under this provision, and fees in connection with bankruptcy, appellate, or collection proceedings. No person or entity other than Landlord or Tenant has any right to recover fees under this paragraph. In addition, if Landlord becomes a party to any suit or proceeding affecting the Premises or involving this Lease or Tenant's interest under this Lease, other than a suit between Landlord and Tenant, or if Landlord engages counsel to collect any of the amounts owed under this Lease, or to enforce performance of any of the agreements, conditions, covenants, provisions, or stipulations of this Lease, without commencing litigation, then the costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements incurred by Landlord shall be paid to Landlord by Tenant. </ATTORNEYSFEES>
<TenantsSoleCost> Tenant, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for the removal and disposal of all of garbage, waste, and refuse from the Premises on a <Frequency>daily </Frequency>basis. Tenant shall cause all garbage, waste and refuse to be stored within the Premises until <Stored>thirty (30) minutes </Stored>before closing, except that Tenant shall be permitted, to the extent permitted by law, to place garbage outside the Premises after the time specified in the immediately preceding sentence for pick up prior to <PickUp>6:00 A.M. </PickUp>next following. Garbage shall be placed at the edge of the sidewalk in front of the Premises at the location furthest from he main entrance to the Building or such other location in front of the Building as may be specified by Landlord. </TenantsSoleCost>
<ItsSoleCost> Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, agrees to use all reasonable diligence in accordance with the best prevailing methods for the prevention and extermination of vermin, rats, and mice, mold, fungus, allergens, <Bacterium>bacteria </Bacterium>and all other similar conditions in the Premises. Tenant, at Tenant's expense, shall cause the Premises to be exterminated <Exterminated>from time to time </Exterminated>to the reasonable satisfaction of Landlord and shall employ licensed exterminating companies. Landlord shall not be responsible for any cleaning, waste removal, janitorial, or similar services for the Premises, and Tenant sha ll not be entitled to seek any abatement, setoff or credit from the Landlord in the event any conditions described in this Article are found to exist in the Premises. </ItsSoleCost>
42B. Sidewalk Use and Maintenance
<TheSidewalk> Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep the sidewalk in front of the Premises 18 inches into the street from the curb clean free of garbage, waste, refuse, excess water, snow, and ice and Tenant shall pay, as additional rent, any fine, cost, or expense caused by Tenant's failure to do so. In the event Tenant operates a sidewalk café, Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain, repair, and replace as necessary, the sidewalk in front of the Premises and the metal trapdoor leading to the basement of the Premises, if any. Tenant shall post warning signs and cones on all sides of any side door when in use and attach a safety bar across any such door at all times when open. </TheSidewalk>
<Display> In no event shall Tenant use, or permit to be used, the space adjacent to or any other space outside of the Premises, for display, sale or any other similar undertaking; except [1] in the event of a legal and licensed “street fair” type program or [<Number>2</Number>] if the local zoning, Community Board [if applicable] and other municipal laws, rules and regulations, allow for sidewalk café use and, if such I s the case, said operation shall be in strict accordance with all of the aforesaid requirements and conditions. . In no event shall Tenant use, or permit to be used, any advertising medium and/or loud speaker and/or sound amplifier and/or radio or television broadcast which may be heard outside of the Premises or which does not comply with the reasonable rules and regulations of Landlord which then will be in effect. </Display>
42C. Store Front Maintenance
<TheBulkheadAndSecurityGate> Tenant agrees to wash the storefront, including the bulkhead and security gate, from the top to the ground, monthly or more often as Landlord reasonably requests and make all repairs and replacements as and when deemed necessary by Landlord, to all windows and plate and ot her glass in or about the Premises and the security gate, if any. In case of any default by Tenant in maintaining the storefront as herein provided, Landlord may do so at its own expense and bill the cost thereof to Tenant as additional rent. </TheBulkheadAndSecurityGate>
42D. Music, Noise, and Vibration