OCI 数据科学模型部署端点
OCI 数据科学是一个完全托管的无服务器平台,供数据科学团队在 Oracle 云基础设施中构建、训练和管理机器学习模型。
有关最新更新、示例和实验性功能,请参阅ADS LangChain 集成。
此笔记本介绍了如何使用托管在 OCI 数据科学模型部署上的 LLM。
对于身份验证,oracle-ads 库用于自动加载调用端点所需的凭据。
!pip3 install oracle-ads
您可以使用 OCI 数据科学模型部署上的 AI 快速操作轻松部署、微调和评估基础模型。 有关其他部署示例,请访问Oracle GitHub 示例存储库。
确保拥有访问 OCI 数据科学模型部署端点所需的策略。
: 已部署模型的模型 HTTP 端点,例如https://modeldeployment.<region>.oci.customer-oci.com/<md_ocid>/predict
您可以通过 ads 或环境变量设置身份验证。 当您在 OCI 数据科学笔记本会话中工作时,可以利用资源主体来访问其他 OCI 资源。 请查看此处以查看更多选项。
import ads
from langchain_community.llms import OCIModelDeploymentLLM
# Set authentication through ads
# Use resource principal are operating within a
# OCI service that has resource principal based
# authentication configured
# Create an instance of OCI Model Deployment Endpoint
# Replace the endpoint uri and model name with your own
# Using generic class as entry point, you will be able
# to pass model parameters through model_kwargs during
# instantiation.
llm = OCIModelDeploymentLLM(
# Run the LLM
llm.invoke("Who is the first president of United States?")
API 参考:OCIModelDeploymentLLM
import ads
from langchain_community.llms import OCIModelDeploymentVLLM
# Set authentication through ads
# Use resource principal are operating within a
# OCI service that has resource principal based
# authentication configured
# Create an instance of OCI Model Deployment Endpoint
# Replace the endpoint uri and model name with your own
# Using framework specific class as entry point, you will
# be able to pass model parameters in constructor.
llm = OCIModelDeploymentVLLM(
# Run the LLM
llm.invoke("Who is the first president of United States?")
API 参考:OCIModelDeploymentVLLM
import os
from langchain_community.llms import OCIModelDeploymentTGI
# Set authentication through environment variables
# Use API Key setup when you are working from a local
# workstation or on platform which does not support
# resource principals.
os.environ["OCI_IAM_TYPE"] = "api_key"
os.environ["OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE"] = "default"
os.environ["OCI_CONFIG_LOCATION"] = "~/.oci"
# Set endpoint through environment variables
# Replace the endpoint uri with your own
os.environ["OCI_LLM_ENDPOINT"] = (
# Create an instance of OCI Model Deployment Endpoint
# Using framework specific class as entry point, you will
# be able to pass model parameters in constructor.
llm = OCIModelDeploymentTGI()
# Run the LLM
llm.invoke("Who is the first president of United States?")
API 参考:OCIModelDeploymentTGI
await llm.ainvoke("Tell me a joke.")
for chunk in llm.stream("Tell me a joke."):
print(chunk, end="", flush=True)
API 参考
有关所有特性和配置的全面详细信息,请参阅每个类的 API 参考文档。