
如何在 LangGraph 中使用 BaseChatMessageHistory



我们建议新的 LangChain 应用程序利用内置的 LangGraph 持久性来实现内存功能。


在这里,我们将展示如何将LangChain 聊天消息历史记录BaseChatMessageHistory 的实现)与 LangGraph 一起使用。


%%capture --no-stderr
%pip install --upgrade --quiet langchain-anthropic langgraph
import os
from getpass import getpass

if "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" not in os.environ:
os.environ["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"] = getpass()


消息历史记录需要通过会话 ID 或(用户 ID,会话 ID)的 2 元组进行参数化。

许多LangChain 聊天消息历史记录将具有 session_id 或某些 namespace 来允许跟踪不同的会话。 请参考具体的实现来检查它是如何参数化的。

内置的 InMemoryChatMessageHistory 不包含这样的参数化,因此我们将创建一个字典来跟踪消息历史记录。

import uuid

from langchain_core.chat_history import InMemoryChatMessageHistory

chats_by_session_id = {}

def get_chat_history(session_id: str) -> InMemoryChatMessageHistory:
chat_history = chats_by_session_id.get(session_id)
if chat_history is None:
chat_history = InMemoryChatMessageHistory()
chats_by_session_id[session_id] = chat_history
return chat_history

与 LangGraph 一起使用

接下来,我们将使用 LangGraph 设置一个基本的聊天机器人。如果您不熟悉 LangGraph,您应该查看以下快速入门教程

我们将为聊天模型创建一个LangGraph 节点,并手动管理对话历史记录,同时考虑到作为 RunnableConfig 一部分传递的对话 ID。

会话 ID 可以作为 RunnableConfig 的一部分(就像我们在这里所做的那样)或者作为图状态的一部分传递。

import uuid

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage, HumanMessage
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableConfig
from langgraph.graph import START, MessagesState, StateGraph

# Define a new graph
builder = StateGraph(state_schema=MessagesState)

# Define a chat model
model = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-haiku-20240307")

# Define the function that calls the model
def call_model(state: MessagesState, config: RunnableConfig) -> list[BaseMessage]:
# Make sure that config is populated with the session id
if "configurable" not in config or "session_id" not in config["configurable"]:
raise ValueError(
"Make sure that the config includes the following information: {'configurable': {'session_id': 'some_value'}}"
# Fetch the history of messages and append to it any new messages.
chat_history = get_chat_history(config["configurable"]["session_id"])
messages = list(chat_history.messages) + state["messages"]
ai_message = model.invoke(messages)
# Finally, update the chat message history to include
# the new input message from the user together with the
# repsonse from the model.
chat_history.add_messages(state["messages"] + [ai_message])
return {"messages": ai_message}

# Define the two nodes we will cycle between
builder.add_edge(START, "model")
builder.add_node("model", call_model)

graph = builder.compile()

# Here, we'll create a unique session ID to identify the conversation
session_id = uuid.uuid4()
config = {"configurable": {"session_id": session_id}}

input_message = HumanMessage(content="hi! I'm bob")
for event in graph.stream({"messages": [input_message]}, config, stream_mode="values"):

# Here, let's confirm that the AI remembers our name!
input_message = HumanMessage(content="what was my name?")
for event in graph.stream({"messages": [input_message]}, config, stream_mode="values"):
================================ Human Message =================================

hi! I'm bob
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Hello Bob! It's nice to meet you. I'm Claude, an AI assistant created by Anthropic. How are you doing today?
================================ Human Message =================================

what was my name?
================================== Ai Message ==================================

You introduced yourself as Bob when you said "hi! I'm bob".

如果使用 langgraph >= 0.2.28,它也支持逐个 token 流式传输 LLM 内容。

from langchain_core.messages import AIMessageChunk

first = True

for msg, metadata in graph.stream(
{"messages": input_message}, config, stream_mode="messages"
if msg.content and not isinstance(msg, HumanMessage):
print(msg.content, end="|", flush=True)
API 参考:AIMessageChunk
You| sai|d your| name was Bob.|

与 RunnableWithMessageHistory 一起使用

本操作指南直接使用了 BaseChatMessageHistorymessagesadd_messages 接口。

或者,您可以使用 RunnableWithMessageHistory,因为 LCEL 可以用在任何 LangGraph 节点内。


def call_model(state: MessagesState, config: RunnableConfig) -> list[BaseMessage]:
# Make sure that config is populated with the session id
if "configurable" not in config or "session_id" not in config["configurable"]:
raise ValueError(
"You make sure that the config includes the following information: {'configurable': {'session_id': 'some_value'}}"
# Fetch the history of messages and append to it any new messages.
chat_history = get_chat_history(config["configurable"]["session_id"])
messages = list(chat_history.messages) + state["messages"]
ai_message = model.invoke(messages)
# Finally, update the chat message history to include
# the new input message from the user together with the
# repsonse from the model.
chat_history.add_messages(state["messages"] + [ai_message])
# hilight-end
return {"messages": ai_message}

替换为您当前应用程序中定义的 RunnableWithMessageHistory 的相应实例。

runnable = RunnableWithMessageHistory(...) # From existing code

def call_model(state: MessagesState, config: RunnableConfig) -> list[BaseMessage]:
# RunnableWithMessageHistory takes care of reading the message history
# and updating it with the new human message and ai response.
ai_message = runnable.invoke(state['messages'], config)
return {
"messages": ai_message
